Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our first pair of guppies from Thailand

To begin my journey in the exploration of guppies and increasing my collection, I decide to collaborate the Guppy Project with my best friend Philip Tan.

Both of us are in awe of the wonderful collection of guppies on several fan book pages, namely the "Singapore Fancy Guppy Group" and "Thai Home Breeder Guppy For Show".
We came across a pair of wonderful pair of guppies from Thailand and agreed to shared the cost of importing them to Singapore.

Shipping fishes to Singapore is fast! It took only just 2 days for the fishes to be delivered to your doorstep.


The Male

The female
 This pair of guppies are very unique. The breed is known as "Platinum red mosaic big ears half moon tail". Yes indeed, that's a very long name for them! But the name obviously tells us how special and unique they are. 

We chose this pair of fishes as we like the distinct vibrancy of colors, the big ears (pectorial fin) and big tail (caudal fin). I particularly like the big ears as they make the fish look like "flying" in the water.

We also realized that the female is pregnant and we are looking forward to see the babies real soon. :)
Hope that you like our very first pair of guppies from overseas. We do hope to import more variety of fishes to Singapore the next time.

Wayne & Philip

Monday, September 23, 2013

My new pastime

Recently, I have immersed myself to the world of fishes. Initially, I started keeping some goldfishes about 6 months ago and then now, I have began rearing guppies a few weeks back.

Rearing fishes isn't new to my family and me. When I am still a child, my parents kept gold fishes, discus and angel fishes. It can be a pretty expensive hobby and the fishes die easily even with much attention given. At that time, information on taking good care of fishes wasn't easily obtainable especially when my parents do not know how to use the internet.

My interest in guppies started about 15 years ago when my aunt gave me 5 guppies to rear as it is considered the easiest fish for kids to take care of with minimal fuss. Within a few months, I had more than 100 guppies in my tank! As I was still a kid back then, I did not know how to differentiate between the males and females and so they reproduced tremendously! After some time though, I started to lose interest and eventually gave them all away.

I started rearing gold fishes again, thanks to my cousins who gave us some fishes they caught while playing the paper net fishing game. Fortunately enough, I was lucky to find two glass fish tanks on seperate occasions. Although I save money on the tanks, I ended up spending even more money buying fishes to fill up the tank! Hmmmm.......

There are now 8 gold fishes in the bigger fish tank and it has become an impressive gallery for guests visiting my house. 8 is an auspicious number to Chinese traditions. I am sharing some pictures of my goldfishes below, they are really cute, hope you will like them too =)



Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A new journey - A short introduction about ourselves

This blog belongs to Wayne Lim & Philip Tan from Singapore.

We are both fancy guppies hobbyist and started rearing our first tank of guppies in August 2013. We are creating this blog to share our passion on rearing tropical fishes.